Toward a 20-year Vision for an Accessible, Equitable, Efficient Network for the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority


Our objectives aim to increase Ridership, improve Efficiency, but most importantly, to enhance Accessibility, with a focus on the Environmental Justice Communities.

According to the state’s Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), Environmental Justice populations are defined as segments of the population that are most at risk of being unaware of or unable to participate in environmental decision-making or to gain access to state environmental resources, or are especially vulnerable.

After analyzing The Valley Today, the team shifted our focus towards developing a set of robust scenarios that will guide our alternatives. Before establishing the scenarios, the team first identified a set of drivers that would be considered.

They are Climate Implications, Local Policy/Politics/Planning, Federal, State and Local Funding Streams, Impact of Generational Value Shifts, Historical Legacy of the Valley, and Global Shifts and Changes.

The team was able to ensure that each scenario would consider the impacts of shifts in these drivers and their potential outcomes. By setting a series of uniform drivers considered in all scenarios, we ensured that each would be robust enough to provide us with the necessary information to make an informed projection of a potential future. We also performed the following tasks to ensure that our scenario development covered the wide spectrum of potential futures.

Our 4 Scenarios

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